"China Continues To Push The (Fake) Envelope"


Nobody does a fake like China. In 2011, a phony Apple store popped up in the country's southwest. It looked so authentic even some of the employees thought it was real. This year, three farmers in central China set up a fake local government, and now comes word of a fake bank in the eastern city of Nanjing, that scammed unsuspecting depositors out of $33 million. NPR's Frank Langfitt reports from Shanghai.

FRANK LANGFITT, BYLINE: The bank seemed real. There were security guards, computers and LED screens that displayed real-time interest in foreign exchange rates. Oliver Rui, who teaches finance at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, says depositors were easily fooled.

OLIVER RUI: People are not well-educated on financial services. People think as long as there is an office, looks like it's a bank and they will provide the bank service.

LANGFITT: Depositors were attracted by higher interest rates than the notoriously low ones in China's state-run banks. A man named Shan told China National Radio he deposited the equivalent of almost $1 million and the bank immediately paid him a whopping $54,000 in advance interest. But when Shan returned later for his money, he couldn't get it back. All told, 200 depositors were duped.

RUI: They want to earn high interest, but they don't understand the high interest usually comes with high risk.

LANGFITT: Are you surprised by this case in Nanjing?

RUI: A little bit surprised, because the fake bank has operated for more than a year.

LANGFITT: He says the fake bank wasn't a pyramid scheme, but invested in real estate projects that went sour as China's market dropped. The fake bank's managers are now in police custody. As to why fakery is so rife in China, Rui - like many - blames the Communist Party, which demolished traditional Chinese values.

RUI: People are lacking of the religions, the faith. They don't have basic moral standards.

LANGFITT: Without that, fakery will continue. And, Rui says, China won't be able to earn the international respect it craves. Frank Langfitt, NPR News, Shanghai.