"After Making Waves In 2014, ISIS' Power Appears To Ebb"


The rise of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or ISIS, was one of the biggest stories of 2014. The extremist group thrived in the chaos of the Syrian civil war. Then, in the summer, its forces surged over the border into Iraq and took over the cities of Mosul and Tikrit. NPR's Alice Fordham reports on the U.S.-led coalition now leading the fight against ISIS and what's likely to happen to the group this year.

ALICE FORDHAM, BYLINE: In the heat of summer this year, Baghdad was spooked. A third of Iraq was under the control of ISIS and people worried the capital might be next. Six months on, that's changed. On New Year's Eve, the usual midnight curfew was lifted, and people partied in the streets and uploaded videos of themselves letting off fireworks. Baghdadis say that change is because they feel the push-back against ISIS has begun in earnest. At a Friday book market, I meet Alia al-Taiee.

ALIA AL-TAIEE: (Through interpreter) We're always optimistic, she says, looking for the best.

FORDHAM: What's encouraged her is a mass mobilization of volunteers to fight the extremists. ISIS' Sunni Muslims, and most of those who volunteered to fight were Shiite. But Alia and her sister, Khaha, want people from every religion and ethnicity in Iraq to sign up - Sunnis, Christians, Yazidis. And, of course, the fight-back hasn't come just from Iraqis or even from their Iranian military allies. Over Iraq and Syria, American warplanes have led a coalition's efforts to cripple ISIS with bombings since September. Now Americans are training Iraqi troops to fight ISIS and say they'll do the same with the rebels they back in Syria. Analyst Hisham al-Hashemi reckons the airstrikes have already had in impact.

HISHAM AL-HASHEMI: (Through interpreter) The coalition targeted some of the leadership at the organizational level. This has been the most painful attack on ISIS.

FORDHAM: Hashemi says the group's lost three senior leaders and mid-level commanders. It's more difficult for them to move around freely and a key source of funding, oilfields, has taken a pounding. Plus, his sources tell him the number of foreigners volunteering to join them has slumped.

AL-HASHEMI: (Through interpreter) There are 80 percent fewer Arab and foreign recruits. ISIS lost all of this since the coalition announced the war.

FORDHAM: U.S. commanders say they're debating hard with Iraqi counterparts when to push ground troops into the ISIS-occupied areas - maybe the spring. The most populous ISIS-controlled city is Mosul in northern Iraq. Major General Dana Pittard thinks the city should be taken back fast. He calls the group by their Arabic nickname - Daesh.

DANA PITTARD: We're just getting indications of morale problems. And with the people that are in Mosul and seeing Daesh, they just say there's not more than about a thousand there now. So certainly no more than 2000.

FORDHAM: And, he says, they're losing local support.

PITTARD: Because in Mosul, we're finding out that Daesh - they don't govern very well. They're governing, in fact, terribly, whether it's city services - things like that.

FORDHAM: Analysts reckon the group's cachet depends on its being able to govern. That's why it calls itself the Islamic State. But General Pittard says in Mosul, Iraqi-Kurdish soldiers have cut off ISIS' crucial supply lines, so they can't provide fuel and clean water. The extremists themselves constantly issue propaganda with ambitious plans for expansion and global attacks. As the international effort to stop them gets more organized, that's looking more far-fetched. However, the Iraq analyst, Hashemi, reckons that doesn't mean they can't cause harm.

AL-HASHEMI: (Through interpreter) They have more than 20,000 fighters in Iraq directly engaged in warfare and more than 40,00 fighters in sleeper cells.

FORDHAM: Under pressure, Hashemi thinks the group could go back underground, focusing on insurgent tactics like bombings. Meanwhile, in Syria, U.S.-led training of ground forces to fight ISIS is way more slow and complicated by the messy civil war there. The group is likely to be weakened in 2015, but no one's betting on defeating them entirely. Alice Fordham, NPR News, Baghdad.