"PGA's White Knight: Beijing?"


Satirist David Slavin knows where the PGA tournaments will turn now that existing sponsorships were drying up.

DAVID SLAVIN: Attention American workers, we humbly but firmly ask you to put aside your labors for two hours this Sunday afternoon as the most excellent nation of China presents the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China Pro-Am Golf Tournament only on NBC.

Get ready for a serious, but enjoyable links action featuring many world famous golfers as well as celebrity appearances by Vice President Xi Jinping, Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei, Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu and Randy Quaid. Also, we strongly suggest that you not leave your television sets during interesting commercial breaks so that you may improve your mind as you learn more about our exceptional co-sponsors - PetroChina, Bank of China, China Telecom, and Prilosec OTC. The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China Pro-Am Golf Tournament. Watch or be watched.

SIEGEL: Satire from David Slavin with Stephen Park.