"Doctors Struggling To Treat Injured In Haiti"


Doctors in Haiti are struggling to treat the injured. Many hospitals were destroyed in the quake and medical supplies are scarce. Dr. Cruff Renard is with the nonprofit group Partners in Health, which operates a few hospitals in Haiti. He works at the hospital in the city of Hinche - that's about 100 miles northeast of Port-au-Prince. And Dr. Renard says patients are traveling to his hospital from the capital.

Dr. CRUFF RENARD (Partners in Health): We receive all kind of injuries and most of them are fractures and most of those patients also they will need orthopedic surgery to fix the problem.

SIEGEL: Orthopedic surgery, you're saying.

Dr. RENARD: Yeah.

SIEGEL: Are you in any position to perform orthopedic surgery at the hospital now?

Dr. RENARD: The whole overwhelming case is that we receive - we are not able now to provide care for everyone, but what we are doing, we try to do a triage and stabilize most of the patients that we receive. We still have patients waiting for orthopedic surgery because we don't have a lot of supplies.

SIEGEL: Dr. Renard, what is your greatest concern right now looking ahead?

Dr. RENARD: Our greatest concern now are a lot of people from Hinche and from everywhere in the Central Plateau (unintelligible) to Port-au-Prince to look for families and bring them to Hinche. So, probably we have other problems not only for medical problems - like having food, having clean water, beds for patients, even clothes for all those people who are suffering and who will also be coming from Port-au-Prince to Hinche.

SIEGEL: So, if I understand you, even though Hinche, a good 100 miles away from Port-au-Prince, the capital, was not really damaged by the earthquake, people from Hinche are going to the capital to look for their families, to look for their relatives...

Dr. RENARD: Yeah, exactly, exactly. That is what is happening now.

SIEGEL: Dr. Renard, thank you very much for talking with us and good luck to you there.

Dr. RENARD: Thank you very much for giving us this interview.

SIEGEL: That's Dr. Cruff Renard, who is an infectious disease specialist with Partners in Health, that NGO operates several hospitals in Haiti. He's at the hospital in Hinche about 100 miles away from Port-au-Prince, but as you heard, people are being taken there for treatment of their injuries.