"Archbishop Of Port-Au-Prince Killed In Quake"


Among those confirmed dead in Haiti is the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Joseph Serge Miot. His body was found in the ruins of the Archbishop's offices. He was 63. Father Charles Robes is the pastor of St. Clement Church in Fort Lauderdale. He grew up in Haiti and knew Archbishop Miot. Father Robes, welcome to the program.

Father CHARLES ROBES (Pastor, St. Clement Church in Fort Lauderdale): Yes. Thank you.

BLOCK: And what can you tell us about Archbishop Miot, as a man of faith and as a man of Haiti?

Father ROBES: I know him as a priest, somebody who was very devoted, respectful, quiet but clever.

BLOCK: Can you think of a moment that you shared with Archbishop Miot that comes to mind as you think now of his death?

Father ROBES: I remember a few time that I met him at the seminary. He is not a person who'll talk too much. You cannot go by him do not admire him, because his very presence is so comforting. You don't need him to open his mouth to feel that you have his support, that you know that he loves you, that you know that he appreciate and support you.

BLOCK: His presence, his image within the Catholic community in Haiti, as the Archbishop, would've been huge, I imagine.

Father ROBES: Oh, it's a big impact right now because among the priests and the faithful, knowing that we are in the midst of a disaster, in the disaster, we lose our father in faith. It's something more. It added to what we - our loss.

BLOCK: You'll be leading a service at your church in the Haitian community there in Fort Lauderdale tonight. What will be your message in the sermon?

Father ROBES: Our message tonight is in the midst of this disaster, this message of comfort to know that we are - not only that we have the support of all the international community, but also that we are here for each other and the best way we can support each other is in prayer.

BLOCK: Father Robes, thanks very much for talking with us.

Father ROBES: You're welcome.

BLOCK: That's Father Charles Robes in Fort Lauderdale talking about the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Joseph Serge Miot, who died in the earthquake there.

(Soundbite of music)

ROBERT SIEGEL: We'll bring you more coverage of Haiti throughout today's program. The magnitude seven quake struck yesterday just before 5 p.m. in Haiti. At this point, details remains sketchy as to how many people are dead and how many homes and buildings have been destroyed. The U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says, Haiti is now facing a major humanitarian emergency. The U.S. has sent an aircraft carrier toward Haiti to help in relief efforts and military officials say U.S. Marines maybe sent in as well. The American Red Cross says, it has run out of supplies and other aid organizations are in dire circumstances.