"Obama Nation At D.C.'s Union Station"


Rhonda's landing spot in Washington, Union Station, is already hopping with the president-elect headed that way. Among the crowds today: Obama fans on the prowl for swag. A few of them took a moment to speak with us.

Ms. ELEANOR LASKY(ph): We got all kinds of stuff. We're just going now to get T-shirts and anything we can with his face on it. We've got the card to travel with, the Metro Card, yeah, with his picture on it. But we don't want to use it, because we don't want to mess it up.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Ms. LASKY: So we went and got another card that we can mess up.

Ms. KIM FRITZ(ph): I love this magnet with the smile. I actually had that as a button, but now it says - mine was before - now, it says president. So it's very exciting to see. I actually cried for the first time over an election, when Bush was re-elected. So it was so nice to have tears of joy in November. So it's a very big deal for me.

Mr. MICHAEL BRADSHAW: It's historical. I think if you have the opportunity to come and you don't come, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Ms. ELSA LATHEN(ph): I wouldn't miss this for anything. Even if I don't make it onto the Mall, I just had to be near to feel the electricity in the air.

ROBERTS: That was Elsa Lathen from the Bronx, and before her, Michael Bradshaw from Raleigh, North Carolina, Kim Fritz from San Diego, and Eleanor Lasky from Los Angeles. They spoke to NPR's Allison Keyes at Union Station in Washington.